Ryan Jean - I love math!Ryan Jean

Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Mathematics
686 Cherry Street
Atlanta, GA 30332

Skiles 230

By appointment via email at the bottom of this page


My name is Ryan Jean and I received my undergraduate degree at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, in physics with a concentration in astrophysics and a minor in mathematics. My interests began in spacetime, black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. However, during the course of my studies, I became more fascinated by the mathematics behind the physics. So I decided to switch my focus to analyzing integral algorithms to discover hidden patterns and relationships to special sequences, possibly uncovering unique properties under continuous mappings. Currently, I am doing research in discrete mathematics as a graduate student at Georgia Tech alongside my advisor, Ernest Croot. My passion is teaching mathematics to our future generations, incorporating accessibility to assist those with disabilities to be more active in the mathematics community. Nothing is more rewarding than to impart knowledge on those who are motivated to seek it. On this website, I wish to share my knowledge and projects that I embark.


Fibonacci Curve Ryan Jean and Sal BaroneRyan Jean and Sal Barone Ryan Jean and Sal BaroneRyan Jean and John Rhys-Davies (Professor Arturo) Collatz Iteration 3D Graph




The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - A377825 - Number of Distinct Permutations of the Terms of the N-th Row of Pascal's Triangle With Alternating Signs (Sequence Submission; Ryan Jean, 2024-11-08)

What Is the Maximum Number of Terms in an Arithmetic Sequence of Consecutive Primes? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-10-05)

The Partition Problem: The Two Trivial Cases (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-08-10)

What Can’t Be an Odd Perfect Number? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-07-20)

What Is the Algorithm for the Partition Problem? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-05-18)

How Many Possible Solutions of Connections Are There? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-04-20)

What Is the Average Paradox of Infinity? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-03-30)

How Many Distinct N-Polygons Can We Theoretically Construct With Sides of Length One to N? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-03-09)

Can We Simplify an Infinite Decreasing Power Series to a Single Value? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-02-17)

Can We Reduce a Factorial to One? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-01-27)

What Is the Sum of an Infinite Amount of Ones? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2024-01-06)

What is the Gaussian Delta Function? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-12-09)

Can We Connect Two Disks by a Line Without Crossing Their Boundaries? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-11-18)

Can We Approximate the Sum of Cosines of a Multiple the Harmonics? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-10-28)

Are There Infinitely Many Twin Primes? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-10-07)

Can We Express Primes in Terms of Other Primes? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-09-16)

Can We Approximate the Sum of Squares of Cosines of the Harmonics? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-08-26)

Can We Simplify the Floor of the Sum of Cosines of the Harmonics? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-08-05)

Can We Approximate the Sum of Cosines of the Harmonics? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-07-15)

How Can We Determine the Maximum Value Within an Interval? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-06-10)

Can We Distinguish Between Ones and Less-Than-Ones? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-05-20)

Can We Change the Order of the Floor and Sum? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2023-04-29)

Can We Convert a Sum of Floors to a Floor of Sums? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Prince, 2023-04-08)

A Closed Prime Number Test Function (Paper; Ryan Jean, 2023-03-28)

Is There a Closed Prime Number Test Function? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2023-03-18)

Is There a Non-Integer Test Function? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2023-02-25)

Can We Make the Integer Test Function More Compact? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2023-02-04)

The Power of Two Subsequence, Add One to Its Latter Half Repeated Sequence (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2023-01-14)

When Is a Multiple Digit Number Not a Prime? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-12-19)

What Is the Relationship Between the Cantor Set and Binary Code? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-11-28)

What Is the Smallest Number That Is Divisible by All Consecutive Natural Numbers up to N? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-11-07)

Can Four Distinct Integers Have Pairs That Each Sum to a Power of Two? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-10-17)

Can We Force a Bijection? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-09-27)

Five-Word Five-Letter Challenge (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-09-06)

How Can Nothing Produce Something? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-08-17)

What is the Product of Consecutive Triangular Numbers? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-06-25)

What is the Residue of Shifting Partial Sums? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-06-06)

Can We Separate Elementary Antisymmetric Polynomials? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-05-13)

What Exactly is an Elementary Antisymmetric Polynomial? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-04-22)

Does Ten Have a Friend? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-03-29)

What Happens When We Remove the Floor? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-03-09)

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - A352080 - Number of Times to Square Root a Natural Number to Reach an Irrational Number (Sequence Submission; Ryan Jean, 2022-03-02)

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - A348596 - Residue of Shifting Perfect Squares in the Consecutive Odds Series (Sequence Submission; Ryan Jean, 2022-02-22)

What Are All the Solutions to a Monomial? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-02-13)

How Many Integers Are There Within a Certain Interval? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-01-25)

When is a Number Equal to the Reciprocal of Its Decimal Part? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2022-01-01)

When is an Image an Integer? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2021-12-11)

What is the Height of a Simplex? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Isabella Pontbriand, 2021-11-19)

Is It Possible for Three Equidistant Points to Lie on a Straight Line? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Christina Martine, 2021-07-22)

How Do We Calculate a Vieta Vector? (Video; Ryan Jean, Host: Christina Martine, 2021-06-28)

A New Closed Formula for Doubly Triangular Numbers (Paper; Ryan Jean, 2021-03-28)

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - A002817 (Formula Submission; Ryan Jean, 2021-03-20)

A Semi-Closed Form of the Minimal Number of Simple Transpositions to Obtain the Identity Permutation Group Function (Paper; Ryan Jean, 2021-03-04)

An Explicit Algorithm for the Exact Number of Integer Lattice Points in an N-Ball (Paper; Ryan Jean, 2020-10-07)

Is It Possible to Solve an Inverse Dot Product Given Certain Conditions? (Video; Ryan Jean, 2020-09-09)

How Many Full Cups Are There? (Video; Ryan Jean, 2020-07-20)

Computing the Fibonacci Sequence From a Single Row of Pascal's Triangle (Paper; Ryan Jean, 2020-07-14)

How Many Cycles Does It Take to Reach a Single Digit? (Video; Ryan Jean, 2020-02-10)

Supreme Quarto (Paper; Ryan Jean, Supervisor: Salvador Barone, 2018-01-17)

Perfect Powers: The Jean Set and the Jean Function (Paper; Ryan Jean, Supervisor: Salvador Barone, 2017-10-04)




Tech Topology Summer School 2023

2022 Georgia Topology Conference

Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference 2022

2022 Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference

Combinatorial Algebra Meets Algebraic Combinatorics 2022

Tech Topology Conference 2021

Tech Topology Summer School 2021


Courses In Progress


  • Combinatorics (Audit)
  • Analytic Number Theory II (Audit)


Mathematics Courses Completed


  • Calculus I: Differential Calculus
  • Calculus II: Integral Calculus
  • Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Differential Equations
  • Fundamentals of Mathematical Proofs
  • Applied Combinatorics
  • Probability Theory
  • Abstract Algebra I
  • Introduction to Number Theory
  • Analysis I
  • Analysis II
  • Complex Analysis
  • Introduction to Topology
  • Differential Geometry
  • Algebra I
  • Ordinary Differential Equations I
  • Functions of a Complex Variable
  • Real Analysis I
  • Real Analysis II
  • Algebraic Topology
  • Differential Topology
  • Enumerative Combinatorics
  • Knots, 3-Manifolds, & 4-Manifolds
  • Analytic Number Theory I


Physics Courses Completed


  • Introduction to Physics I: Newtonian Mechanics
  • Introduction to Physics II: Electromagnetivity
  • Modern Physics
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Electromagnetostatics
  • Electrodynamics
  • Modern Optics Lab
  • Thermodynamics
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics I
  • Quantum Mechanics II
  • Atomic Physics
  • Advanced Lab
  • Stars, Galaxies, & Universe
  • Stellar Astrophysics
  • Relativity
  • Cosmology


Influential Modern Scientists and Mathematicians


  • Albert Einstein (special and general relativity)
  • Hermann Minkowski (spacetime geometry)
  • Henri PoincarĂ© (chaos theory)
  • Ludwig Boltzmann (entropy)
  • Pierre-Simon Laplace (all-knowing demon)
  • Wolfgang Pauli (Pauli Exclusion Principle)
  • Srinivasa Ramanujan (infinite series)
  • Karl Schwarzschild (black hole geometry)
  • Werner Heisenberg (Uncertainty Principle)
  • John Nash Jr. (number theory and cryptography)
  • Richard Feynman (Principle of Least Action)
  • Stephen Hawking (Big Bang and black holes)
  • Alan Guth (inflation)
  • Vera Rubin (dark matter)
  • Leonard Susskind (Holographic Principle)
  • Lawrence Krauss (dark energy)
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson (black holes and galaxies)
  • Sean Carroll (Arrow of Time)


Select Georgia Tech Mathematics Professor Pages



Thank You


Loren Williams and Ryan JeanLoren Williams and Ryan Jean


Loren Williams, an astrobiologist at Georgia Tech and my chemistry professor my first semester as a freshman, has been a wonderful mentor to me ever since. He has always seen great potential in me and has always encouraged me to strive to be my best. I certainly appreciate him wholeheartedly as he is one of the main reasons for my dedication to my work. I thank him for taking the time to mentor me and being there for me throughout the years.




"What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know."

- St. Augustine


If you would like to contact me, please do so by emailing me here.